Slack Reminder

Before you can set up Jira reminders in Slack groups, you have to first download Jira and Slack apps. First Log into your Slack App on your device as an administrator, After that, click on the App Directory. Then click Find new apps or Find new add-ons from the left-hand side of the page. Search for Jira Reminders. Python Script for Slack Reminders of Open Pull Requests. Eventmobi HackDay Project. Recurring reminders, on the other hand, are Slack reminders that are already set with a date and time and are scheduled to appear on several occasions reminding a team or team members of a task, event or activity to be done. You do not need to be Steve Jobs to remind or set a reminder in Slack. People will see the in-channel reminder, prompting them to visit Slackbot to complete their self-review. In Slackbot, each team member will have a DM with a button to fill out the form. Was this tip useful?

Slack has become an excellent tool for marketers, programmers, graphic designers and professionals in other work niches. So you already signed up on Slack and have your channel or are a channel member. This article is aimed at helping you learn the ropes of setting, editing and deleting recurring reminders in Slack.

Now to the nitty-gritty of setting, editing and deleting reminders in Slack;

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While human nature may cause forgetfulness or perhaps you have a lot on your plate, reminders in Slack are the best way to help teams and other individuals remember personal appointments, work tasks, birthdays and others thereby affording teams and their members to do the needful at exactly when needed.

Recurring reminders, on the other hand, are Slack reminders that are already set with a date and time and are scheduled to appear on several occasions reminding a team or team members of a task, event or activity to be done.

You do not need to be Steve Jobs to remind or set a reminder in Slack. Although setting a reminder must follow a correct order of commands, it is, in fact, simple.

View Slack Reminders

Once the three-part commands are added, Slack reminds a channel owner or member with a reminder text of the activity as was set and at the appointed time.

You can add a reminder in Slack using several methods.

The first method is to use the Slash command.

To do this, take the following steps:

  • Log in to Slack and in the field for comment, type the command “/remind.” Automatically, you will get a pop-up message on your screen detailing how the command is to be structured.

Slack Reminders List

  • Next, follow the /remind command with whom you are setting the reminder for. The date, time the reminder is to come up. As an example, if you want to remind yourself of a team member’s birthday on the 30th of October 2020 at 10 am, your command should look like this:

    /remind [@someone or #channel] [what] [when].
    Interestingly, you can use any time format you deem fit.

  • Next, hit Enter and a message approving your reminder showing the specified date and time for the reminder will appear.

On your screen, you can find buttons to View already set reminders and Delete a reminder you no longer have interest in. Blocksplants vs zombies minecraft mod. Once you have active reminders, an icon notifies you of this. You may also Mark as Complete, Delete or Snooze a reminder.

The fun doesn’t stop here. You can also set your reminder such that it reoccurs using recurring terms like “every weekday” etc. These types of recurring reminders can be initiated by including some basic comments like “weekly”, “monthly”, or even “every Monday.”

For example: If you want a weekly recurring reminder, start by entering the command like this: /remind me to check emails every Tuesday. So, enter ‘every’ just before the specified time to instruct Slack to give you a reminder on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.


The second method is to create a reminder from the Shortcut Menu. To do this:

  • Access the shortcut menu on your channel, and locate the lighting icon on your screen. From here, choose the three vertical dots next to a message to create a reminder for that message.
  • Next, type /remind and then create a custom reminder. Be sure to fill the time and date fields before you hit “create a reminder” because Slackbot will preset reminders at 9 am on the date you have selected.

Following this method also allows you to send such reminders to other members of the channel.

Lastly, you can set reminders from Messages. Doing this is relatively easy. Follow the steps below if you are using a desktop version of Slack:

  • Click the three vertical dots at the top of your screen and select “Remind me about this.”
  • Once you click the dots, the field to input your preferred time for the reminder pops up. Fill up the fields accordingly by selecting the right date and time for the reminder. Interestingly, you can make use of this method using the Slack desktop app or the Android and iOS versions.


If you use the mobile versions, make use of the following steps:

  • Select a message of your choice
  • Tap and hold the selected message and tap “Remind Me”.
  • Next select when you wish to be reminded or choose “Custom” to set your reminder.

Easy right? Let us now consider how to edit a reminder in Slack. How to set a Recurring reminder in Slack

Unlike setting recurring reminders, editing recurring reminders takes some additional steps mainly because they can’t be edited directly without having to delete such reminders first. Even then, the steps, as outlined below, are straightforward.

  1. First, select your slack channel by choosing your name and typing the /remind list command. What appears next is a list of all set reminders.
  2. Once you have recalled your active reminders, select the one you need to edit by viewing it and taking a note of the changes to be made. Remember, you can not edit your reminders directly in Slack. After noting the activity, date and time, choose Delete to remove a reminder.
  3. Next, create a new reminder with the new details and the same command as given above. Doing this will replace the last task that was removed hence editing your recurring reminder.

Not as challenging as you imagined, right?

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Creating, editing and deleting a reminder on Slack can be done effortlessly following the steps outlined in this article. While creating reminders for team members in your organization, remember to consider their region and time difference, so the purpose of the remainder will not be missed.

Basic Slack reminders are a useful way to manage the simple tasks or habits for your team in Slack; however, for advanced processes like integrating third-party apps like Asana or Jira, and reminders to multiple users and channels at the same time, AhoyTeam is here to help you with.

Quickly add tasks for your meetings, bill payments, pull requests etc. directly from any slack conversation, and access them via Pi Reminder app

Directly add tasks and reminders from within any slack conversation.
To add a task use the following command:

This will add a task for yourself on Pi Reminder and will popup the reminder if you have Pi Reminder installed on your browser or Phone.
You can also set reminder for anyone else by using following example command:
/add-task send project update mail at 6pm for @Jon Snow

/add-task send project update mail at 6pm for

Slack Reminder App

Slack Reminder Monday To Friday

replace the email with your team mate's email id or their Pi Reminder username

Step 1

Pi Reminder by clicking the
Add to Slack button

Step 2

Add Pi Reminder app by clicking
Allow button on the authorization page

Slack Reminder Examples

Step 3

Slack Reminder App

Use the /add-task slash command
to add tasks directly from Slack and view them on Pi Reminder

Slack Reminder Format