PhoneLog Pro

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  1. Phone Log Pro
  2. Phone Log Program
  3. Phone Log Printable Template
  4. Phonelog Pro

PhoneLog Help

(For Version 1.4, February 2011) Presto mr photo free download.

Phonelog pro

PhoneLog is a very simple application that allows you to store details about phone calls you have made - who you called, when you called and what was said on the call. This is particularly useful when you ring utility companies, financial institutions or anyone else where you need to keep a quick record of the conversation.

Main window


The list of previous calls appears on the left and details about a particular call that is selected appears on the right. The fields on the right are editable.

Creating a log

PhoneLog will open with a new blank log window the first time you use it. You can start straight away entering new calls into this existing log or you can create new logs anytime by choosing 'New Log Window' from the File menu (or by pressing Command-Shift-N). You can have separate call logs for different purposes - each log will be opened in a separate window. For example you could have a log for calls made for Household purposes, another for Work calls and another for Financial calls. Just save each with a different name.

Entering a call


To create a record of a new call you have made, press the 'Create new' button under the list of calls (or press Command-N) and start typing in the fields on the right hand side:

Who:The person or company you called.
When:When the call took place. You can press the 'Now' button to set the time to now.
Number:The phone number you dialled.
Spoke to:The person you spoke to - eg the call centre operator.
Notes:Any notes you wish to record - eg what was said, follow ups required etc.

Press the 'Save' button at the bottom of the window to make sure the data has been saved.

Phone Log Pro

Deleting a call

Select the call that you want to delete in the left hand side and click the 'Delete' button (or press the backspace key on the keyboard). Make sure to choose 'Save' to make the deletion permanent.

Searching for a particular call

You can use the search box at the top left of the window for finding particular calls. It will find calls if the text matches in any of the fields. So even if the text is mentioned deep in the notes field the call is returned as matching.

Sorting the calls


Phone Log Program

The calls can be sorted by either who they were made to or when they were made. Use the buttons beneath the search box to change the current sort type and whether to sort ascending or descending.


The frontmost log can be saved at anytime by pressing the 'Save' button or pressing Command-S. The log files use the extension '.phlg' and can be saved anywhere you like (the default location is the Documents folder in your home directory). They have the following icon:

Double-clicking on the file should open it up automatically in PhoneLog. It should remember the position onscreen that it had the last time it was used.


Choose Print from the File menu, or press Command-P. You will be asked whether you want to print all calls or just the selected calls. You can press A for all calls or Return for just the selected calls.

Drag & Drop

PhoneLog Pro

You can drag calls from one PhoneLog call list to another. So if you have two call logs open you can transfer calls between them. You can also cut and paste calls between logs.

If you drag calls into a document from another application that accepts plain text or rich text input, then all the details about the call will be copied to the other application. TextEdit or Pages are good applications to try this with.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Most of the standard keyboard shortcuts work as expected, including the following:

Command-NCreate a new call.
Command-Shift-NCreate a new log window.
BackspaceDelete currently selected call(s).
Command-SSave the log to disk.
Command-PPrint the log (all or selected calls).
Command-WClose the frontmost log window.
Command-QClose all open logs and quit the PhoneLog application.


Phone Log Printable Template

If you have a problem with PhoneLog or a suggestion for making it better, and reading the documentation hasn't helped, then please feel free to send an email to
and we'll do our best to help. Please include the version number of PhoneLog that you are using - this can be found by choosing 'About PhoneLog' in the PhoneLog menu.

The application support page is:

Upgrading to PhoneLog Pro

We have recently released a new and enhanced version of PhoneLog called PhoneLog Pro. It has many new features including:

  • A call timer
  • Address Book integration
  • iCal integration
  • User-defined fields and categories
  • Rich text notes
  • Email and file links
  • Priority level
  • Spotlight searching
  • .. and more

Please see the website for more details:

Copyright notices

PhoneLog is Copyright © 2011 Spelga Software Limited. All Rights Reserved.


This application makes use of RBSplitView by Rainer Brockerhoff. See

Artwork by Rob Rayburn. See / email:

Phonelog Pro