Snowflake Jasper Meaning

The Divinatory meaning of Red Jasper: Be tough but kind with someone close who acts helpless and drains you of money or energy with constant demands. Eason, 66 Dreaming of Jasper signifies love returned. Kunz, 358 Red Jasper and the Angelic Realm. Jasper is a stone of Archangels Haniel and Sandalphon, ruling the Angelic Principalities. What is Snowflake Obsidian? Snowflake Obsidian is a natural volcanic glass containing the mineral Cristobalite in the form of white 'snowflake' crystal patterns. Snowflake Obsidian Associations. Chakras - Base Chakra Zodiac - Virgo Vibration - Number 8 Typical colours - Black with white patches. Healing with Snowflake Obsidian.

Red Jasper is a gemstone that has a meaning and properties of strengthening your mind. It is a gemstone that can let us link with deep inside the earth and it has very strong wave motion. When you want to balance your emotion or overcome stress, this is a good gemstone to have. Red Jasper also has a meaning and properties of enhancing your insight. By strengthening your mind, you may be able to notice the true value of things. This gemstone would help you understand things deeply.

Red Jasper is a red gemstone. The color will differ by the place of production or the time. Red Jasper is a mixture of many kinds of gemstones, so various colors are mixed. There are brownish-red ones and orangey-red ones. Please choose the Red Jasper you like.

Red Jasper has a meaning and properties of amplifying owner's energy. If you want the power to live or good stamina, please try this gemstone. It may bring out your instinct and power as a living creature that all people have naturally. Humans can easily get off the track. Red Jasper can help the owner come back to the right way. It has been told that it can help you understand which choice is the correct one.


Red Jasper has been believed for its meaning and properties of enhancing creativity. It may release unrealized power in the owner and generates new energy. This gemstone is good for people who want to make profits on business. It would strongly support owner's work and life. The strong energy of Red Jasper can heal the owner's past. It would clear all the traumas and guilt in the past. Please try Red Jasper if you want to live positively.

The energy of Red Jasper is helpful to recognize your dreams and goals. Red Jasper has a meaning and properties of understanding the theme of life. It is good to use when you want to find out why you were born in this world and what you want to achieve in your life. This gemstone would help your life become more meaningful and bright. It is also good for people who get anxious easily or worry things too much. It would calm you down and bring you back to a good condition, so you can make the right decision.

Brown Snowflake Jasper Meaning

Red Jasper would teach you many important things in life. If you are at a loss, please use the meaning and the effect of Red Jasper.

Black Snowflake Obsidian Meaning

Latin Obsidiïus, printer's error for Obsinus pertaining to Obsius, the discoverer (according toPliny) of a similar mineral in Ethiopia; compare Middle English obsianus
Obsidianis volcanic glass. It often has flow lines that create interestingeffects. Gold sheen and silver sheen obsidian's display gold andsilver shimmerings when polished, rainbow obsidian displays differentcolors, etc. Obsidian has a reputation for being difficult to polish.Usually the reason for difficult polishing is that coarse grits cancreate a fairly deep fracture zone that doesn't come out when thestone is cut at finer grits. Another problem is obsidian doesn'tpolish well if it gets too hot. So, if you don't use super coarsegrinding wheels and if you keep your polishing wheel slow and wet,good results will easily be obtained. Diamond wheel finishing workswell.
Usually Obsidian is a jetblack stone with a vitreous (glassy) lustre. Just like glass, obsidiantends to shatter into sharp fragments when hit hard, this strength andbrittleness have resulted in its use as sharp cutting implements andweapons such as spear and arrowheads or inserted into wood madewonderful clubs. Pure obsidian is usually dark in appearance, thoughthe color varies depending on the presence of impurities. Iron andmagnesium typically give the obsidian a dark brown to black color. Veryfew samples are nearly colorless. In some stones, the inclusion ofsmall, white, radially clustered crystals of quartzlike cristobalite inthe black glass produce a blotchy or snowflake pattern (snowflakeobsidian). It may contain patterns of gas bubbles remaining from thelava flow, aligned along layers created as the molten rock was flowingbefore being cooled. These bubbles can produce interesting effects suchas a golden sheen (sheen obsidian) or an iridescent, rainbow-like sheen(rainbow obsidian).